Haraka Baraka
Haraka baraka!” الحركة بركة (pronounced ha-ra-ka ba-ra-ka) is an Arabic expression which translates as ‘movement is a blessing’, a sentiment that everyone can appreciate – particularly those who ride a skateboard. This book is a collaboration between SkatePal and Lebanese designer Samar Maakaroun. Over 224-pages Haraka Baraka gives a unique introduction to the Arabic language explored through a collection of expressions, ranging from simple everyday phrases shouted in the streets and skateparks, to more complex proverbs steeped in history. It's brought to life across original photography, typographic illustrations and interviews, and packed with finer details about Arabic script, letterforms, pronunciations, regional dialects, and even Arabic calligraphy for those wanting to immerse themselves more deeply.
- Published by: SkatePal and Samar Maarkaroun
- Pages: 224